
The Eucharistic Communion and the World is unavailable, but you can change that!

The theology of John Zizioulas presents a beautiful vision of the church as Eucharistic communion, in which human persons both are gathered into Jesus Christ and are sent back into the world. In his previous books, Zizioulas focused on the way this communion is related to the communion of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which calls us to understand being as communion and provides the only...

the world, even if it is ultimately in service to the world. At one level this opposition means that the Church and her members are on trial during the Eucharist: members must be reconciled one to another and if a member persists in offending the body, he or she must be shut out in the pastoral hope that this will result in renewed metanoia, and thereby renewed koinonia. It is instructive that Zizioulas understands the problem of intercommunion as a post-baptismal, pre-Eucharist rupture and recommends
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